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Nabíjecí adaptér pro notebook 100-240V/19V 4,5A 65W konektor 5,5mm x 2,5mm

Český návod k použití Nabíjecí adaptér pro notebook 100-240V/19V 4,5A 65W konektor 5,5mm x 2,5mm - Zdroj pro vyb


Návod k použití Nabíjecí adaptér pro notebook 100-240V/19V 4,5A 65W konektor 5,5mm x 2,5mm

Český návod k použití Nabíjecí adaptér pro notebook 100-240V/19V 4,5A 65W konektor 5,5mm x 2,5mm je povinnen přikládat prodejce zboží ke každému výrobku, tuto povinnost jim přikládá zákon.
Pokud manuál k Nabíjecí adaptér pro notebook 100-240V/19V 4,5A 65W konektor 5,5mm x 2,5mm nebyl přiložen, je to porušení a návod k obsluze by Vám měl prodejce zboží dodat. Databáze návodů je průběžně doplňována uživateli a aktualizovaná o nové manuály - databázi můžete rozšířit i vy - máte-li český návod nebo servisní manuál k tomuto produktu, nahrajte nám jej. Pomůžete tak ostatním uživatelům, děkujeme!

Náš server Vám pomůže s užíváním Nabíjecí adaptér pro notebook 100-240V/19V 4,5A 65W konektor 5,5mm x 2,5mm, databáze je doplňována zkušenými lidmi a fanoušky výrobce Avacom. Přečtěte si také diskuzi k Nabíjecí adaptér pro notebook 100-240V/19V 4,5A 65W konektor 5,5mm x 2,5mm.

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Návod k použití pro Nabíjecí adaptér pro notebook 100-240V/19V 4,5A 65W konektor 5,5mm x 2,5mm
Český návod Avacom k použití výrobku Nabíjecí adaptér pro notebook 100-240V/19V 4,5A 65W konektor 5,5mm x 2,5mm udává:

1) Obsah balení
2) Zapojení a montáž
3) Nastavení výrobku Avacom
4) Řešení problémů odborná pomoc
5) Kontakt na opravny a servis Avacom
6) Značka: Avacom
7) EAN kód: 8591849041962
Návod k použití Nabíjecí adaptér pro notebook 100-240V/19V 4,5A 65W konektor 5,5mm x 2,5mm

Jste-li majitelem Nabíjecí adaptér pro notebook 100-240V/19V 4,5A 65W konektor 5,5mm x 2,5mm od Avacom a vlastníte návod k použití či servisní manuál pomožte nám rozšířit databázi a nahrajete nám svůj manuál. Pomůžete ostatním uživatelům, hledající návody pro správnou funkci výrobku.
- upload souboru s návodem je možné ve formátech (doc, pdf, jpg)

Nabíjecí adaptér pro notebook 100-240V/19V 4,5A 65W konektor 5,5mm x 2,5mm - Zdroj pro vybrané notebooky značek Asus, BenQ, Compaq, Dell, Fujitsu Siemens, GateWay, Toshiba

ASUS: A6, A6R: A8, A8F, A8L, A8LE, A8LF, A8LH: A9, A9: B50, B50, B51: B80, B80: F3, F3F, F3H, F3L, F3Q: F5, F50GX, F50Q, F50Z, F52, F5GL: F6, F6A, F6E: F8, F80CR, F80L, F80Q, F82, F83: F9, F9E, F9F: K40, K40C, K40IJ, K40IN: K50, K50C, K50IJ, K50IN: K70, K70IJ: M2, M2000: M51, M51A, M51E: M6, M6B00N: M9, M9V: N10, N10J: N20, N20A: R1, R1E: S6, S6F: S7, S7: U1, U1F: U2, U2: U5, U5F: U6, U6Ep: UL50, UL50: UL80, UL80V: W3, W3000: W6, W6: X58, X58, X58Le: X80, X80, X81: Z35, Z35L: Z65, Z65R

BENQ: Joybook Lite U101, Joybook Lite U101, Joybook Lite U101-SK02

COMPAQ: Presario 1700, Presario 1700: Presario 2900, Presario 2900A: Presario 700, Presario 700

DELL: Inspiron 1000, Inspiron 1000, Inspiron 1300: Inspiron 2000, Inspiron 2200: Inspiron 3000, Inspiron 3000, Inspiron 3500: Inspiron Mini 10, Inspiron Mini 10 (1010), Inspiron Mini 10 (1012), Inspiron Mini 10v: Inspiron Mini 12, Inspiron Mini 12: Inspiron Mini 9, Inspiron Mini 9: Vostro 1000, Vostro 1200: Vostro A90, Vostro A90

DIGITAL: Hinote, HinOte VP TS30H

FUJITSU: ESPRIMO Mobile V, ESPRIMO Mobile V5535: FMV-BIBLO LOOX M, FMV-BIBLO LOOX M/D10, FMV-BIBLO LOOX M/D15: FMV-BIBLO MG, FMV-BIBLO MG75S: FMV-LIFEBOOK, FMV-716NU3/B: LifeBook AH, LifeBook AH550: LifeBook C, Lifebook C1212D, Lifebook C1321, Lifebook C2320: LifeBook E, Lifebook E4010: LifeBook LH, LifeBook LH530: LifeBook M, LifeBook M1010, LifeBook M2010, LifeBook M2011: LifeBook N, LifeBook N3410: LifeBook P, LifeBook P3010, LifeBook P3110, LifeBook P8110: LifeBook S, LifeBook S710: LifeBook SH, LifeBook SH560, LifeBook SH760: LifeBook T, LifeBook T1010, Lifebook T4010

GATEWAY: C, C-5815, C-5817, C-5817c: CX, CX2608, CX2610, CX2615, CX2618, CX2619, CX2620, CX2620h, CX2720, CX2724, CX2724h, CX2726, CX2728, CX2735m, CX2750, CX2755: M, M-1408J, M-1410j, M-1411j, M-1412, M-1615, M-1617, M-1618, M-1618N, M-1618R, M-1619J, M-1622, M-1622H, M-1624, M-1625, M-1626, M-6304, M-6305, M-6307, M-6308, M-6309, M-6312, M-6315, M-6316, M-6317, M-6318, M-6319, M-6750, M-6750H, M-6752, M-6755, M-6801M, M-6802M, M-6803M, M-6804M, M-6805M, M-6806M, M-6808M, M-6809M, M-6810M, M-6815, M-6816, M-6817, M-6821B, M-6822, M-6823, M-6823A, M-6824, M-6825J, M-6826J, M-6827J, M-6828B, M-6829B, M-6834, M-6839J, M-6840J, M-6841, M-6846, M210, M250, M250A, M250B, M250E, M250ES, M250G, M250GS, M275, M305, M305CRV, M320, M325, M405: M Tablet PC, M1200 Tablet PC, M1300 Tablet PC: ML, ML3108B, ML3108Q, ML3108V, ML3108Z, ML3109, ML3706, ML6226B, ML6227B, ML6227Q, ML6227V, ML6227Z, ML6228, ML6230, ML6231, ML6232, ML6703, ML6714, ML6720, ML6721, ML6725: MP, MP6925J, MP6954, MP6954H, MP8701J, MP8708, MP8709: MT, MT3104B, MT3105J, MT3107B, MT3110C, MT3111C, MT3112C, MT3303J, MT3304J, MT3305J, MT3418, MT3419, MT3421, MT3422, MT3423, MT3705, MT3707, MT3707B, MT3708, MT3710C, MT3711C, MT3712B, MT3713C, MT3715C, MT6015J, MT6016J, MT6017, MT6220B, MT6221J, MT6223B, MT6224J, MT6225J, MT6228J, MT6229J, MT6451, MT6452, MT6456, MT6457, MT6458, MT6459, MT6460, MT6704, MT6704H, MT6705, MT6706, MT6707, MT6708, MT6709, MT6709H, MT6711, MT6722B, MT6723, MT6724B, MT6728, MT6729, MT6730, MT6821, MT6823B, MT6824b, MT6825B, MT6826J, MT6827J, MT6828, MT6828H, MT6830, MT6831, MT6832B, MT6833B, MT6834B, MT6835J, MT6836J, MT6838J, MT6839B, MT6840, MT6840H, MT6841, MT6842B, MT6915B: MX, MX3042, MX3044, MX3044h, MX3210, MX3215, MX3558, MX3558h, MX3560, MX3560h, MX3562, MX3563, MX3563h, MX3610, MX6025, MX6025h, MX6027, MX6027h, MX6028, MX6030, MX6124, MX6124h, MX6128, MX6135, MX6420, MX6421, MX6423, MX6424, MX6425, MX6428, MX6450, MX6625, MX6627, MX6627h, MX6629, MX6629h, MX6631, MX6650, MX6650h, MX7515, MX7515h, MX7525, MX8520, MX8523, MX8525, MX8528: NX, NX200S, NX200X, NX250X, NX500S, NX500X, NX550X, NX550XL: S, S-7200N, S-7500N: Solo, Solo 1100, Solo 1150, Solo 1200, Solo 1400, Solo 1450, Solo 2100, Solo 2150, Solo 2200, Solo 2300, Solo 2500, Solo 2550, Solo 3100, Solo 3150, Solo 5100, Solo 5150, Solo 5300, Solo 5350, Solo 9100, Solo 9150, Solo 9300, Solo 9300VE, Solo 9500, Solo 9550, Solo Pro 9300-E: W, W322: 400, 400SD4, 400VTX: 600, 600YG2, 600YGR: 3000, 3018GZ, 3040GZ, 3520GZ, 3522GZ, 3525GB, 3545GZ, 3550GH, 3550GZ, 3610GZ: 4000, 4012GZ, 4024GZ, 4025GZ, 4026GZ, 4028GZ, 4028JP, 4030GZ, 450ROG, 450SX4, 4520GZ, 4525GZ, 4530GH, 4530GZ, 4535GZ, 4536GZ, 4538GZ, 4540GZ, 4542GP: 6000, 6010GZ, 6018GH, 6018GZ, 6020GZ, 6021GH, 6021GZ, 6022GZ, 6023GP, 6510GZ, 6518GZ, 6520GZ, 6525GP, 6531GZ, 6832JP, 6834MX: 8000, 8510GH, 8510GZ, 8515GZ, 8550GB

HP: OmniBook 4100, OmniBook 4150: Pavilion N3400, Pavilion N3402: Pavilion zt1200, Pavilion ZT1210


LENOVO: 3000 G, 3000 G230, 3000 G410, 3000 G510: IdeaPad G, IdeaPad G430, IdeaPad G460 20041: IdeaPad S, IdeaPad S10, IdeaPad S10-2, IdeaPad S10-3 20039, IdeaPad S10-3t, IdeaPad S10e, IdeaPad S9, IdeaPad S9e: IdeaPad U, IdeaPad U110, IdeaPad U150, IdeaPad U350, IdeaPad U350 20028, IdeaPad U350 2963, IdeaPad U350W, IdeaPad U450P, IdeaPad U450P 20031, IdeaPad U550: IdeaPad Y, IdeaPad Y310, IdeaPad Y410, IdeaPad Y450, IdeaPad Y460, IdeaPad Y550, IdeaPad Y650: IdeaPad Z, IdeaPad Z360: Thinkpad T, Thinkpad T22 2647

LG: K1, K1: X, X110

MSI: Wind U, Wind U100, Wind U120, Wind U120H, Wind U90

NEC: Versa E, Versa E2000, Versa E6000

TOSHIBA: Mini NB205, Mini NB205: Mini NB30, Mini N B305-00F, Mini NB305, Mini NB305-00T, Mini NB305-105, Mini NB305-106Mini NB305-01E, Mini NB305-N310, Mini NB305-N410BL, Mini NB305-N410BN, Mini NB305-N410WH, Mini NB305-N411BL, Mini NB305-N411BN, Mini NB305-N413BN: Mini NB300, Mini NB300-00F, Mini NB300-108, Mini NB300-10M: NB100, NB100: NB200, NB200, NB200-10F, NB200-10J: NB300, NB350-N310: Portege R700, Portege R700, Portege R700-S1311, Portege R705: Portege T130, Portege T130: Satellite 3000, Satellite 3000: Satellite 3005, Satellite 3005: Satellite A100, Satellite A100-S2211TD, Satellite A100-S8111TD with Intel Celeron M Processor only, Satellite A100-ST3211TD: Satellite A105, Satellite A105-S101, Satellite A105-S101X, Satellite A105-S171, Satellite A105-S171x, Satellite A105-S271, Satellite A105-S271X, Satellite A105-S2xxx, Satellite A105-S361, Satellite A105-S361X, Satellite A105-SP461: Satellite A500, Satellite A500-ST5601: Satellite A80, Satellite A80, Satellite A80-S178TD: Satellite C600, Satellite C645, Satellite C645D: Satellite C650, Satellite C650, Satellite C650D, Satellite C650D-ST2N01: Satellite C655, Satellite C655, Satellite C655D: Satellite E105, Satellite E105, Satellite E105-1402, Satellite E105-S1602: Satellite E205, Satellite E205, Satellite E205-S1904: Satellite L20, Satellite L20-S310TD: Satellite L45, Satellite L45-S-7423, Satellite L45-S2xxx, Satellite L45-S4xxx, Satellite L45-S7409, Satellite L45-S7419, Satellite L45-S7424: Satellite L500, Satellite L500-ST2521: Satellite L500D, Satellite L500D-ST5501: Satellite L510, Satellite L510: Satellite L550, Satellite L550-ST2721, Satellite L550-ST5701: Satellite M100, Satellite M105-S1xxx, Satellite M115-S1xxx: Satellite M30, Satellite M30X-S214: Satellite M45, Satellite M45-S1xx, Satellite M45-S1xxx: Satellite M500, Satellite M500-ST5401: Satellite P500, Satellite P500-ST6821: Satellite P505, Satellite P505-ST5800: Satellite Pro L300, Satellite Pro L300-EZ1522: Satellite Pro T110, Satellite Pro T110: Satellite Pro T130, Satellite Pro T130: Satellite T100, Satellite T115, Satellite T130, Satellite T135: Satellite T210, Satellite T210D: Satellite T215D, Satellite T215D, Satellite T215D-S1140RD: Satellite T230, Satellite T230, Satellite T235, Satellite T235D: Satellite U305, Satellite U305: Satellite U500, Satellite U500-ST5302, Voltage :, 18 - 20 V, Rate :, 85 - 155Wh, Brand : ACCEL: AccelNote, AccelNote CY13

ACER: Aspire 1360, Aspire 1360

ADVENT: 6000, 6421: 7000, 7001, 7004, 7006, 7012

ALCAM: Designer, Designer 400


AMI: FT, FT6T20: TF, TF6760

AMS Tech: Rodeo, Rodeo 1000, Rodeo 1000CT, Rodeo 1010, Rodeo 1010CT, Rodeo 3500, Rodeo 7000, Rodeo 7030, Rodeo 7620, Rodeo 7630, Rodeo 7640, Rodeo 7640XL: TECH MP, TECH MP-975AAMS: Travelpro, Travelpro 100, Travelpro 12CT, Travelpro 180, Travelpro 1900, Travelpro 1950, Travelpro 1961CT, Travelpro 1965, Travelpro 1970CT, Travelpro 2000, Travelpro 6000

ARM: ArmNote, ArmNote CQ12, ArmNote CY13, ArmNote N30N3, ArmNote PL11: Green, Green 579, Green 759: TS, TS795

ASUS: A6, A6, A6JA, A6JC, A6Jm, A6K, A6KM, A6KT, A6M, A6R, A6T, A6Ta, A6Tc, A6VA, A6VM: A7, A7C, A7D, A7F, A7G, A7J, A7JC, A7M, A7S, A7T, A7Tc, A7V, A7Vc: A8, A8F, A8JC, A8Jp, A8Jr, A8Js, A8M, A8Sc: F2, F2J, F2Je: F3, F3Ja, F3Jc, F3Jm, F3Jp, F3Jr, F3M, F3P, F3Sc, F3T, F3Tc: F5, F5R: F9, F9F, F9J: G1, G1, G1S: G2, G2, G2S: M2, M2, M2000, M2000N: M6, M6, M6000N, M6700N, M6800N, M6B00N, M6N, M6V, M6VA: M9, M9V: N10, N10J: R1, R1E, R1F: S6, S6F: U1, U1F: U5, U5A, U5F: U6, U6E: V1, V1J, V1Jp: V2, V2Je: VX2, VX2: W1, W1Jc, W1V: W2, W2J, W2Pc, W2V: W3, W3000, W3J, W3N, W3V: W5, W5F, W5V: W7, W7J: X51, X51R: Z35, Z35L

AVERATEC: AV6200, AV6200H60, AV6240: 3000, 3000, 3120, 3120V, 3150 series, 3150H, 3150HW, 3150Hd, 3150Hs, 3150P: 5110, 5110 Series, 5110H, 5110Hx, 5110P: 6200, 6200, 6240

BENQ: Joybook A52, Joybook A52, Joybook A52-T25: Joybook C42, Joybook C42, Joybook C42-101: Joybook Lite U101, Joybook Lite U101, Joybook Lite U101-SK02: Joybook S31, Joybook S31, Joybook S31-C02: Joybook S41, Joybook S41, Joybook S41-C05, Joybook S41-T34, Joybook S41-T44: Joybook S73G, Joybook S73G, Joybook S73G-C27

CANON: InnovaBook, InnovaBook 300p, InnovaBook 350CD, InnovaBook 360CD, InnovaBook 400, InnovaBook 475CDS, InnovaBook 475CDT, InnovaBook 480CDS, InnovaBook 480CDT, InnovaBook 490CDS, InnovaBook 490CDT

CHEM USA: Chembook, ChemBook 2020, ChemBook 2200, ChemBook 3015, ChemBook 3812. ChemBook 3812A, ChemBook 5200, ChemBook 9400, ChemBook CQ12: N, N38W2

CLEVO: 66, 66: 86, 86CE: 98, 98: 862, 862: 2700, 2700

COMMAX: NB8600, NB8600

COMPAL: ACY, ACY13: APL, APL10, APL11: BCL, BCL32: BCQ, BCQ12: CL, CL32: CQ, CQ12: CY, CY13: PL, PL10, PL11: TS, TS30H

COMPAQ: Evo N, Evo N105, Evo N115, Evo N160, Evo N180: Presario 1000, Presario 1000, Presario 1010, Presario 1020, Presario 1030, Presario 1040, Presario 1050, Presario 1060, Presario 1065, Presario 1070, Presario 1075, Presario 1080, Presario 1081, Presario 1090, Presario 1090ES: Presario 1100, Presario 1110, Presario 1115, Presario 1120: Presario 1200, Presario 1200, Presario 1200AN, Presario 1200AP, Presario 1200CA, Presario 1200CL, Presario 1200EA, Presario 1200LA, Presario 1200SC, Presario 1200SRP, Presario 1200T, Presario 1200T-12XL, Presario 1200T-12XL2, Presario 1200T-12XL3, Presario 1200TC, Presario 1200TH, Presario 1200US, Presario 1200Z, Presario 1200ZA, Presario 1201AP, Presario 1201EA, Presario 1201S, Presario 1201Z, Presario 1202EA, Presario 1203CL, Presario 1205EA, Presario 1206R, Presario 1207, Presario 1210, Presario 1210CA, Presario 1210EA, Presario 1210JP, Presario 1210LA, Presario 1210US, Presario 1211CA, Presario 1211EA, Presario 1211LA, Presario 1212CL, Presario 1212EA, Presario 1213CL, Presario 1213EA, Presario 1214, Presario 1214EA, Presario 1214FR, Presario 1214SR, Presario 1215, Presario 1215US, Presario 1216, Presario 1216JP, Presario 1216US, Presario 1217JP, Presario 1219JP, Presario 1220, Presario 1220ES, Presario 1221, Presario 1230, Presario 1232, Presario 1232ES, Presario 1234, Presario 1235, Presario 1236, Presario 1237, Presario 1240, Presario 1242, Presario 1244, Presario 1245, Presario 1246, Presario 1247, Presario 1250, Presario 1255, Presario 1256, Presario 1260, Presario 1262, Presario 1266, Presario 1267, Presario 1270, Presario 1272, Presario 1273, Presario 1274, Presario 1275, Presario 1277, Presario 1278, Presario 1279, Presario 1280: Presario 1200XL, Presario 1200XL, Presario 1200XL101, Presario 1200XL102, Presario 1200XL103, Presario 1200XL104, Presario 1200XL105, Presario 1200XL106, Presario 1200XL107, Presario 1200XL108, Presario 1200XL109, Presario 1200XL110, Presario 1200XL111, Presario 1200XL115, Presario 1200XL118, 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Presario 12XL430, Presario 12XL500, Presario 12XL501, Presario 12XL502, Presario 12XL504, Presario 12XL505, Presario 12XL510, Presario 12XL510A, Presario 12XL526, Presario 12XL527, Presario 12XL530: Presario 1400, Presario 1400, Presario 1400EB, Presario 1400T, Presario 1456: Presario 14XL, Presario 14XL, Presario 14XL240, Presario 14XL244, Presario 14XL245, Presario 14XL250, Presario 14XL340, Presario 14XL345, Presario 14XL355, Presario 14XL455: Presario 1600, Presario 1600, Presario 1600-XL1, Presario 1600-XL140, Presario 1600-XL141, Presario 1600-XL142, Presario 1600-XL143, Presario 1600-XL144, Presario 1600-XL145, Presario 1600-XL146, Presario 1600-XL147, Presario 1600-XL150, Presario 1600-XL151, Presario 1600-XL152, Presario 1600-XL153, Presario 1600-XL154, Presario 1600-XL155, Presario 1610, Presario 1611, Presario 1615, Presario 1620, Presario 1621, Presario 1622, Presario 1625, Presario 1626, Presario 1630, Presario 1635, Presario 1640, Presario 1650, Presario 1655, Presario 1660, Presario 1665, Presario 1670, Presario 1672, Presario 1675, Presario 1680, Presario 1681, Presario 1682, Presario 1685, Presario 1687, Presario 1688, Presario 1690, Presario 1692, Presario 1693, Presario 1694: Presario 16XL, Presario 16XL255, Presario 16XL256, Presario 16XL257, Presario 16XL258: Presario 1700, Presario 1700, Presario 1700AI, Presario 1700AP, Presario 1700AU, Presario 1700EA, Presario 1700JP, Presario 1700KR, Presario 1700LA, Presario 1700T, Presario 1700TC, Presario 1700US, Presario 1700XL573, Presario 1701AI, Presario 1701AK, Presario 1701AP, Presario 1701CL, Presario 1701EA, Presario 1701LB, Presario 1701S, Presario 1701TC, Presario 1702AP, Presario 1702KR, Presario 1702LB, Presario 1702TC, Presario 1710, Presario 1710LA, Presario 1710SB, Presario 1710T, Presario 1711CL, Presario 1712US, Presario 1714EA, Presario 1717RSH, Presario 1720US, Presario 1722CA, Presario 1722US: Presario 17XL, Presario 17XL, Presario 17XL260, Presario 17XL261, Presario 17XL262, Presario 17XL264, Presario 17XL265, Presario 17XL266, Presario 17XL274, Presario 17XL275, Presario 17XL360, Presario 17XL361, Presario 17XL362, Presario 17XL363, Presario 17XL364, Presario 17XL365, Presario 17XL366, Presario 17XL367, Presario 17XL368, Presario 17XL369, Presario 17XL370, Presario 17XL371, Presario 17XL372, Presario 17XL374, Presario 17XL375, Presario 17XL376, Presario 17XL377, Presario 17XL378, Presario 17XL380, Presario 17XL460, Presario 17XL461, Presario 17XL462, Presario 17XL463, Presario 17XL465, Presario 17XL468, Presario 17XL469, Presario 17XL470, Presario 17XL471, Presario 17XL474, Presario 17XL475, Presario 17XL480, Presario 17XL485, Presario 17XL492, Presario 17XL561, Presario 17XL563, Presario 17XL569, Presario 17XL570, Presario 17XL571, Presario 17XL572, Presario 17XL573, Presario 17XL574, Presario 17XL575, Presario 17XL578: Presario 1800, Presario 1800, Presario 1800-XL1, Presario 1800-XL180, Presario 1800-XL181, Presario 1800-XL186, Presario 1800-XL190, Presario 1800-XL280, Presario 1800-XL380, Presario 1800-XL390, Presario 1800-XL481, Presario 1800EA, Presario 1800FR, Presario 1800LA, Presario 1800T, Presario 1800T-800, Presario 1800T-850, Presario 1800US, Presario 1800XL, Presario 1801S, Presario 1802FR, Presario 1805, Presario 1810, Presario 1825, Presario 1827, Presario 1830: Presario 18XL, Presario 18XL, Presario 18XL280, Presario 18XL380, Presario 18XL390, Presario 18XL580, Presario 18XL590: Presario 2100, Presario 2100, Presario 2100AP, Presario 2100CA, Presario 2100LA, Presario 2100US, Presario 2101, Presario 2101AP, Presario 2101US, Presario 2102AP, Presario 2102EA, Presario 2102US, Presario 2103, Presario 2103AP, Presario 2103EA, Presario 2104, Presario 2104AP, Presario 2105, Presario 2105AP, Presario 2105CA, Presario 2105EA, Presario 2105LA, Presario 2105US, Presario 2106, Presario 2106AP, Presario 2106EA, Presario 2106US, Presario 2107, Presario 2107AP, Presario 2107EA, Presario 2108, Presario 2108EA, Presario 2109, Presario 2109EA, Presario 2110, Presario 2110AP, Presario 2110CA, Presario 2110EA, Presario 2110LA, Presario 2110US, Presario 2111, Presario 2111AP, Presario 2111EA, Presario 2112, Presario 2112AP, Presario 2112EA, Presario 2113, Presario 2113AP, Presario 2114AP, Presario 2114EA, Presario 2115, Presario 2115AP, Presario 2115EA, Presario 2116AP, Presario 2117AP, Presario 2117EA, Presario 2118AD, Presario 2118EA, Presario 2119, Presario 2119AD, Presario 2119EA, Presario 2120, Presario 2120AD, Presario 2120AP, Presario 2120EA, Presario 2120LA, Presario 2120US, Presario 2121, Presario 2122, Presario 2122AD, Presario 2123AD, Presario 2123AP, Presario 2124, Presario 2124AD, Presario 2124AP, Presario 2125, Presario 2125AC, Presario 2125AD, Presario 2125AP, Presario 2125EA, Presario 2126, Presario 2126AC, Presario 2126AD, Presario 2126EA, Presario 2127, Presario 2127AC, Presario 2127AD, Presario 2127EA, Presario 2128AC, Presario 2128AD, Presario 2128EA, Presario 2129AD, Presario 2129EA, Presario 2130, Presario 2130AC, Presario 2130AD, Presario 2130AP, Presario 2130EA, Presario 2131, Presario 2131AC, Presario 2131AD, Presario 2131EA, Presario 2132, Presario 2132AC, Presario 2132RS, Presario 2133AC, Presario 2133AD, Presario 2133AP, Presario 2133EA, Presario 2134AD, Presario 2134EA, Presario 2135, Presario 2135AC, Presario 2135AD, Presario 2135AP, Presario 2135CA, Presario 2135EA, Presario 2135US, Presario 2136AC, Presario 2136AD, Presario 2136EA, Presario 2136RSH, Presario 2137AC, Presario 2137AD, Presario 2137EA, Presario 2138AC, Presario 2138AD, Presario 2138EA, Presario 2139, Presario 2139AC, Presario 2139AD, Presario 2140, Presario 2140AC, Presario 2140AD, Presario 2140AP, Presario 2140CA, Presario 2140US, Presario 2141AC, Presario 2141AD, Presario 2141EA, Presario 2142, Presario 2142EA, Presario 2143AD, Presario 2143AP, Presario 2144AD, Presario 2144EA, Presario 2145, Presario 2145AD, Presario 2145AP, Presario 2145CA, Presario 2145EA, Presario 2145US, Presario 2146AD, Presario 2146EA, Presario 2147AD, Presario 2147EA, Presario 2148AD, Presario 2148EA, Presario 2149AD, Presario 2149EA, Presario 2150, Presario 2150AP, Presario 2150US, Presario 2151AD, Presario 2151EA, Presario 2152EA, Presario 2153AP, Presario 2154AP, Presario 2154EA, Presario 2155AP, Presario 2155EA, Presario 2155US, Presario 2156AP, Presario 2156EA, Presario 2157AP, Presario 2158AP, Presario 2158EA, Presario 2160, Presario 2160EA, Presario 2160US, Presario 2161EA, Presario 2162EA, Presario 2163EA, Presario 2164, Presario 2164EA, Presario 2165, Presario 2165EA, Presario 2166EA, Presario 2167EA, Presario 2169EA, Presario 2170US, Presario 2171, Presario 2172, Presario 2172EA, Presario 2173EA, Presario 2175, Presario 2175EA, Presario 2178, Presario 2179, Presario 2180, Presario 2186, Presario 2197, Presario 2198, Presario 2199: Presario 2500, Presario 2500, Presario 2504, Presario 2505, Presario 2506, Presario 2507, Presario 2508, Presario 2509, Presario 2510, Presario 2511, Presario 2512, Presario 2513, Presario 2514, Presario 2515, Presario 2516, Presario 2517, Presario 2518, Presario 2519, Presario 2520, Presario 2521, Presario 2523, Presario 2524, Presario 2525, Presario 2528, Presario 2529, Presario 2530, Presario 2531, Presario 2532, Presario 2533, Presario 2535, Presario 2536, Presario 2537, Presario 2538, Presario 2539, Presario 2540, Presario 2541, Presario 2542, Presario 2543, Presario 2544, Presario 2545, Presario 2546, Presario 2547, Presario 2548, Presario 2549, Presario 2550, Presario 2551, Presario 2552, Presario 2553, Presario 2554, Presario 2555, Presario 2556, Presario 2557, Presario 2558, Presario 2559, Presario 2560, Presario 2562, Presario 2563, Presario 2564, Presario 2565, Presario 2566, Presario 2567, Presario 2568, Presario 2569, Presario 2570, Presario 2571, Presario 2572, Presario 2573, Presario 2574, Presario 2575, Presario 2576, Presario 2577, Presario 2578, Presario 2579, Presario 2581, Presario 2582, Presario 2583, Presario 2584, Presario 2585, Presario 2586, Presario 2587, Presario 2588, Presario 2589, Presario 2590, Presario 2591, Presario 2592, Presario 2593, Presario 2594, Presario 2595, Presario 2596, Presario 2597, Presario 2598, Presario 2599: Presario 2700, Presario 2700, Presario 2700T, Presario 2700TC, Presario 2700US, Presario 2701TW, Presario 2701US, Presario 2710CA, Presario 2710EA, Presario 2710SC, Presario 2710TC, Presario 2710US, Presario 2711AP, Presario 2711EA, Presario 2711TC, Presario 2712EA, Presario 2715EA, Presario 2715US, Presario 2716EA, Presario 2720US: Presario 2800, Presario 2800: Presario 2900, Presario 2940A: Presario 3000, Presario 3000, Presario 3005US, Presario 3008CL, Presario 3015CA, Presario 3015US, Presario 3017CL, Presario 3019CL, Presario 3020US, Presario 3045US, Presario 3070US, Presario 3077WM, Presario 3080US: Presario 700, Presario 700, Presario 700CA, Presario 700LA, Presario 700US, Presario 700Z, Presario 701CL, Presario 701LA, Presario 701Z, Presario 702NA, Presario 702US, Presario 705, Presario 705CA, Presario 705US, Presario 710, Presario 710CA, Presario 710US, Presario 711CL, Presario 715, Presario 715CA, Presario 715US, Presario 716EA, Presario 717RSH, Presario 720AP, Presario 720AU, Presario 720CA, Presario 720JP, Presario 720LA, Presario 720TC, Presario 720US, Presario 721CL, Presario 721EA, Presario 722EA, Presario 722US, Presario 723EA, Presario 723RSH, Presario 724EA, Presario 725, Presario 725AP, Presario 725AU, Presario 725CA, Presario 725EA, Presario 725LA, Presario 725US, Presario 726EA, Presario 730AP, Presario 730CA, Presario 730LA, Presario 730US, Presario 731US, Presario 732US, Presario 734RSH, Presario 735CA, Presario 735LA, Presario 736EA: Presario 800, Presario 800, Presario 800XL: Presario 80XL, Presario 80XL200, Presario 80XL201, Presario 80XL4, Presario 80XL550: Prosignia 150, Prosignia 150

CTX: EZBook, EZBook 300, EZBook 400, EZBook 500, EZBook 700, EZBook 700C, EZBook 700E, EZBook 700M, EZBook 800

DELL: Inspiron 1000, Inspiron 1000, Inspiron 1200, Inspiron 1300: Inspiron 2000, Inspiron 2200: Inspiron 3000, Inspiron 3000, Inspiron 3200, Inspiron 3500: Inspiron 7000, Inspiron 7000: Inspiron B, Inspiron B120, Inspiron B130: Latitude 110L, Latitude 110L: Vostro 1000, Vostro 1200

DFI: NB6600, NB6600

DIGITAL / DEC: ERA, ERA-1000: Hinote, Hinote VP TS30H, Hinote VP700 Series

DUAL: ERA, ERA-1000: VDA, VDA9950

E-MAX: 340S2, 340S2: IS6340S2, IS6340S2: ISB40S2, ISB40S2

ELITEGROUP: Great Quality, Great Quality A535, Great Quality gq-a535, Great Quality gqa535

EMACHINE: Action Note, Action Note 800, Action Note 866, Action Note 880, Action Note 890, Action Note 895, Action Note 900, Action Note 910: eSlate, eSlate 400, eSlate 450


EPSON: ActionNote 800, ActionNote 800 Series, ActionNote 866C, ActionNote 880C, ActionNote 880CX, ActionNote 890C, ActionNote 895C: ActionNote 900, ActionNote 900

EVEREX: StepNote MX, StepNote MX

FEATRON: FT, FT8850, FT9900

FUJITSU: Amilo D, Amilo D6820, Amilo D8820: Celsius H, Celsius H240: ESPRIMO Mobile D, ESPRIMO Mobile D9500, ESPRIMO Mobile D9510: ESPRIMO Mobile M, ESPRIMO Mobile M9400, ESPRIMO Mobile M9410, ESPRIMO Mobile M9415: ESPRIMO Mobile U, ESPRIMO Mobile U9200, ESPRIMO Mobile U9210, ESPRIMO Mobile U9215: ESPRIMO Mobile V, ESPRIMO Mobile V5505, ESPRIMO Mobile V5515, ESPRIMO Mobile V5535, ESPRIMO Mobile V5545, ESPRIMO Mobile V5555, ESPRIMO Mobile V6505, ESPRIMO Mobile V6515, ESPRIMO Mobile V6535, ESPRIMO Mobile V6545, ESPRIMO Mobile V6555: ESPRIMO Mobile X, ESPRIMO Mobile X9510, ESPRIMO Mobile X9515, ESPRIMO Mobile X9525: FMV-BIBLO 4100, FMV-BIBLO 4100L: FMV-BIBLO LOOX M, FMV-BIBLO LOOX M/D10, FMV-BIBLO LOOX M/D15: FMV-BIBLO MG, FMV-BIBLO MG/A50, FMV-BIBLO MG50S, FMV-BIBLO MG50T, FMV-BIBLO MG50U, FMV-BIBLO MG55S, FMV-BIBLO MG57S, FMV-BIBLO MG70H, FMV-BIBLO MG70J, FMV-BIBLO MG70K, FMV-BIBLO MG70L, FMV-BIBLO MG70M, FMV-BIBLO MG70R, FMV-BIBLO MG70S, FMV-BIBLO MG75E, FMV-BIBLO MG75H, FMV-BIBLO MG75H/ST, FMV-BIBLO MG75J, FMV-BIBLO MG75K, FMV-BIBLO MG75S, FMV-BIBLO MG75T, FMV-BIBLOMG55T: FMV-BIBLO MR, FMV-BIBLO MR16A, FMV-BIBLO MR16A/AH, FMV-BIBLO MR16AH, FMV-BIBLO MR16B: FMV-BIBLO MX, FMV-BIBLO MX70R/W: FMV-BIBLO NB, FMV-BIBLO NB14A, FMV-BIBLO NB14B, FMV-BIBLO NB14B/R, FMV-BIBLO NB15B, FMV-BIBLO NB15B/S, FMV-BIBLO NB15B/T, FMV-BIBLO NB16B, FMV-BIBLO NB16B/M, FMV-BIBLO NB16C, FMV-BIBLO NB16C/A, FMV-BIBLO NB16C/R, FMV-BIBLO NB16C/ST, FMV-BIBLO NB16C/T, FMV-BIBLO NB16C/V, FMV-BIBLO NB18B, FMV-BIBLO NB18C, FMV-BIBLO NB18C/A, FMV-BIBLO NB18C/T, FMV-BIBLO NB18D, FMV-BIBLO NB18D/D, FMV-BIBLO NB18D/F, FMV-BIBLO NB18D/L, FMV-BIBLO NB18D/V, FMV-BIBLO NB19D, FMV-BIBLO NB19D/D, FMV-BIBLO NB40, FMV-BIBLO NB50E, FMV-BIBLO NB50G, FMV-BIBLO NB50H, FMV-BIBLO NB50J, FMV-BIBLO NB50K, FMV-BIBLO NB50KP, FMV-BIBLO NB50L, FMV-BIBLO NB50M, FMV-BIBLO NB50R, FMV-BIBLO NB50S, FMV-BIBLO NB50T, FMV-BIBLO NB50U, FMV-BIBLO NB53E, FMV-BIBLO NB55E, FMV-BIBLO NB55E/T, FMV-BIBLO NB55G, FMV-BIBLO NB55G/T, FMV-BIBLO NB55H, FMV-BIBLO NB55H/T, FMV-BIBLO NB55J/T, FMV-BIBLO NB55K, FMV-BIBLO NB55K/T, FMV-BIBLO NB55L, FMV-BIBLO NB55M, FMV-BIBLO NB55M/T, FMV-BIBLO NB60L/E, FMV-BIBLO NB60M/W, FMV-BIBLO NB70E, FMV-BIBLO NB70E/T, FMV-BIBLO NB70G, FMV-BIBLO NB70H/T, FMV-BIBLO NB70S, FMV-BIBLO NB75G, FMV-BIBLO NB75G/T, FMV-BIBLO NB75H, FMV-BIBLO NB75H/T, FMV-BIBLO NB75J, FMV-BIBLO NB75K, FMV-BIBLO NB75K/T, FMV-BIBLO NB75L, FMV-BIBLO NB75L/T, FMV-BIBLO NB75L/TS, FMV-BIBLO NB75M, FMV-BIBLO NB75M/T, FMV-BIBLO NB75M/TS, FMV-BIBLO NB75MN, FMV-BIBLO NB75MN/T, FMV-BIBLO NB75R, FMV-BIBLO NB75S, FMV-BIBLO NB80J, FMV-BIBLO NB80K, FMV-BIBLO NB9/1600L, FMV-BIBLO NB90J/T, FMV-BIBLO NB90J/TS, FMV-BIBLO NB90K/T, FMV-BIBLO NB90K/TS, FMV-BIBLO NB90L/W, FMV-BIBLO NB90M/W, FMV-BIBLO NB90MN/W: FMV-BIBLO NE, FMV-BIBLO NE3/43E: FMV-BIBLO NF, FMV-BIBLO NF/D40, FMV-BIBLO NF40T, FMV-BIBLO NF40U, FMV-BIBLO NF40U/V, FMV-BIBLO NF40W, FMV-BIBLO NF40X, FMV-BIBLO NF40Y, FMV-BIBLO NF50U, FMV-BIBLO NF50W, FMV-BIBLO NF50W/V, FMV-BIBLO NF50X, FMV-BIBLO NF50X/V, FMV-BIBLO NF50Y, FMV-BIBLO NF55X/D, FMV-BIBLO NF55Y/D: FMV-BIBLO NH, FMV-BIBLO NH24C, FMV-BIBLO NH26C: FMV-BIBLO NX, FMV-BIBLO NX70L/W, FMV-BIBLO NX70R, FMV-BIBLO NX7RN, FMV-BIBLO NX90L/W, FMV-BIBLO NX90LN, FMV-BIBLO NX90M/W, FMV-BIBLO NX90MN/W, FMV-BIBLO NX90R/W: FMV-BIBLO RS, FMV-BIBLO RS18D, FMV-BIBLO RS18D/D, FMV-BIBLO RS18D/ST, FMV-BIBLO RS18D/T, FMV-BIBLO RS50E/T, FMV-BIBLO RS50G/T, FMV-BIBLO RS55E/T: FMV-LIFEBOOK, FMV-6113NA9/B, FMV-7000NA2, FMV-7160MR2, FMV-716NU3, FMV-716NU3/B, FMV-C6210, FMV-NB40M, FMV-NB60M/W, FMV-NB80M, FMV-NB90M/W: LifeBook A, LifeBook A1010, LifeBook A3110, LifeBook A3130, LifeBook A6030, LifeBook A6110, LifeBook A6120, LifeBook A6210: LifeBook C, LifeBook C1211, LifeBook C1211D, LifeBook C1212, LifeBook C1320, LifeBook C1320D, LifeBook C1320DA, LifeBook C1320DB, LifeBook C1410, LifeBook C2210, LifeBook C2220, LifeBook C2230, LifeBook C2240, LifeBook C2310, Lifebook C1212D, Lifebook C1321, Lifebook C2010, Lifebook C2110, Lifebook C2111, Lifebook C2320, Lifebook C2330: LifeBook E, LifeBook E2010, LifeBook E330, LifeBook E380, LifeBook E4010D, LifeBook E6624, LifeBook E6666, LifeBook E7010, LifeBook E7110, LifeBook E8000, LifeBook E8000D, LifeBook E8010, LifeBook E8010D, LifeBook E8020, LifeBook E8020C, LifeBook E8020D, LifeBook E8110, LifeBook E8210, Lifebook E4010, Lifebook E6634, Lifebook E6644, Lifebook E6654, Lifebook E6664: LifeBook L, LifeBook L1010: LifeBook M, LifeBook M1010, LifeBook M2010: LifeBook MH, LifeBook MH380: LifeBook N, LifeBook N3410: LifeBook T, Lifebook T4010: LifeBook UH, LifeBook UH900: Lifebook 8000, Lifebook 8010, Lifebook 8020: Lifebook N, LifeBook N3500, LifeBook N3510, LifeBook N3511, LifeBook N3520, LifeBook N3530, LifeBook N6210, Lifebook N3400, Lifebook N6110, Lifebook N6220: Lifebook S, LifeBook S2210, LifeBook S6310, LifeBook S6311, LifeBook S6410, LifeBook S6420, LifeBook S6510, LifeBook S6520, LifeBook S7020, LifeBook S7020B, LifeBook S7020D, LifeBook S7020E, LifeBook S7021, LifeBook S7025, LifeBook S7110, LifeBook S7111, Lifebook S7000, Lifebook S7000D, Lifebook S7010, Lifebook S7010D, Lifebook S7011: Lifebook T, LifeBook T4020A, LifeBook T4020B, LifeBook T4020D, LifeBook T4210, LifeBook T4215, LifeBook T4220, LifeBook T5010, LifeBook T1010, Lifebook T4010D, Lifebook T4020: Lifebook V, LifeBook V1010, LifeBook V1020

GATEWAY: C, C-5815, C-5817, C-5817c: CX, CX2608, CX2610, CX2615, CX2618, CX2619, CX2620, CX2620h, CX2720, CX2724, CX2724h, CX2726, CX2728, CX2735m, CX2750, CX2755: M, M-1408J, M-1410j, M-1411j, M-1412, M-1615, M-1617, M-1618, M-1618N, M-1618R, M-1619J, M-1622, M-1622H, M-1624, M-1625, M-1626, M-6304, M-6305, M-6307, M-6308, M-6309, M-6312, M-6315, M-6316, M-6317, M-6318, M-6319, M-6750, M-6750H, M-6752, M-6755, M-6801M, M-6802M, M-6803M, M-6804M, M-6805M, M-6806M, M-6808M, M-6809M, M-6810M, M-6815, M-6816, M-6817, M-6821B, M-6822, M-6823, M-6823A, M-6824, M-6825J, M-6826J, M-6827J, M-6828B, M-6829B, M-6834, M-6839J, M-6840J, M-6841, M-6846, M210, M250, M250A, M250B, M250E, M250ES, M250G, M250GS, M275, M305, M305CRV, M320, M325, M405: M Tablet PC, M1200 Tablet PC, M1300 Tablet PC: ML, ML3108B, ML3108Q, ML3108V, ML3108Z, ML3109, ML3706, ML6226B, ML6227B, ML6227Q, ML6227V, ML6227Z, ML6228, ML6230, ML6231, ML6232, ML6703, ML6714, ML6720, ML6721, ML6725: MP, MP6925J, MP6954, MP6954H, MP8701J, MP8708, MP8709: MT, MT3104B, MT3105J, MT3107B, MT3110C, MT3111C, MT3112C, MT3303J, MT3304J, MT3305J, MT3418, MT3419, MT3421, MT3422, MT3423, MT3705, MT3707, MT3707B, MT3708, MT3710C, MT3711C, MT3712B, MT3713C, MT3715C, MT6015J, MT6016J, MT6017, MT6220B, MT6221J, MT6223B, MT6224J, MT6225J, MT6228J, MT6229J, MT6451, MT6452, MT6456, MT6457, MT6458, MT6459, MT6460, MT6704, MT6704H, MT6705, MT6706, MT6707, MT6708, MT6709, MT6709H, MT6711, MT6722B, MT6723, MT6724B, MT6728, MT6729, MT6730, MT6821, MT6823B, MT6824b, MT6825B, MT6826J, MT6827J, MT6828, MT6828H, MT6830, MT6831, MT6832B, MT6833B, MT6834B, MT6835J, MT6836J, MT6838J, MT6839B, MT6840, MT6840H, MT6841, MT6842B, MT6915B: MX, MX3042, MX3044, MX3044h, MX3210, MX3215, MX3558, MX3558h, MX3560, MX3560h, MX3562, MX3563, MX3563h, MX3610, MX6025, MX6025h, MX6027, MX6027h, MX6028, MX6030, MX6124, MX6124h, MX6128, MX6135, MX6420, MX6421, MX6423, MX6424, MX6425, MX6428, MX6450, MX6625, MX6627, MX6627h, MX6629, MX6629h, MX6631, MX6650, MX6650h, MX7515, MX7515h, MX7525, MX8520, MX8523, MX8525, MX8528: NX, NX200S, NX200X, NX250X, NX500S, NX500X, NX550X, NX550XL: S, S-7200N, S-7500N: Solo, Solo 1100, Solo 1150, Solo 1200, Solo 1400, Solo 1450, Solo 2100, Solo 2150, Solo 2200, Solo 2300, Solo 2500, Solo 2550, Solo 3100, Solo 3150, Solo 400, Solo 450, Solo 5100, Solo 5150, Solo 5300, Solo 5350, Solo 600, Solo 9100, Solo 9150, Solo 9300, Solo 9300VE, Solo 9500, Solo 9550, Solo Pro 9300-E: W, W322: 400, 400SD4, 400VTX, 450ROG, 450SX4: 600, 600YG2, 600YGR: 3000, 3018GZ, 3040GZ, 3520GZ, 3522GZ, 3525GB, 3545GZ, 3550GH, 3550GZ, 3610GZ: 4000, 4012GZ, 4024GZ, 4025GZ, 4026GZ, 4028GZ, 4028JP, 4030GZ, 4520GZ, 4525GZ, 4530GH, 4530GZ, 4535GZ, 4536GZ, 4538GZ, 4540GZ, 4542GP: 6000, 6010GZ, 6018GH, 6018GZ, 6020GZ, 6021GH, 6021GZ, 6022GZ, 6023GP, 6510GZ, 6518GZ, 6520GZ, 6525GP, 6531GZ, 6832JP, 6834MX: 8000, 8510GH, 8510GZ, 8515GZ, 8550GB


HITACHI: E, E-100DC, E-100DN, E-133D, E-133DC, E-133DN, E-133T, E-133TC: Flora, Flora 270WE-100D: MX, MX: VisionBook Elite, VisionBook Elite 8560: VisionBook Plus, VisionBook Plus 4000, VisionBook Plus 4100, VisionBook Plus 4300, VisionBook Plus 5000, VisionBook Plus 5200: VisionBook Pro, VisionBook Pro 6000, VisionBook Pro 6300, VisionBook Pro 7000, VisionBook Pro 7300, VisionBook Pro 7500, VisionBook Pro 7600, VisionBook Pro 7700

HP: Deskjet 450, DeskJet 450ci Mobile Printer, Deskjet 450 Mobile Printer: OmniBook 2100, OmniBook 2100, OmniBook 2103, OmniBook 2104, OmniBook 2105, OmniBook 2106, OmniBook 2120, OmniBook 2121, OmniBook 2122, OmniBook 2123, OmniBook 2124, OmniBook 2125, OmniBook 2126, OmniBook 2127: OmniBook 3000, OmniBook 3000, OmniBook 3000CTX: OmniBook 3100, OmniBook 3100, OmniBook 3101, OmniBook 3102: OmniBook 3200, OmniBook 3250: OmniBook 4000, OmniBook 4000: OmniBook 4100, OmniBook 4100, OmniBook 4101, OmniBook 4102, OmniBook 4103, OmniBook 4104, OmniBook 4105, OmniBook 4106, OmniBook 4107, OmniBook 4108, OmniBook 4110, OmniBook 4111, OmniBook 4150, OmniBook 4150B: OmniBook 500, OmniBook 500, OmniBook 500B, OmniBook 510: OmniBook 6000, OmniBook 6000, OmniBook 6000B, OmniBook 6000C: OmniBook 6100, OmniBook 6100: OmniBook 7000, OmniBook 7000: OmniBook 7100, OmniBook 7100, OmniBook 7103T, OmniBook 7150: OmniBook 900, OmniBook 900, OmniBook 900B: Omnibook xe, Omnibook xe-DA: Omnibook xe2, Omnibook xe2, Omnibook xe2-DA, Omnibook xe2-DB, Omnibook xe2-DC, Omnibook xe2-DD, Omnibook xe2-DE, Omnibook xe2-DI: Omnibook xe3, Omnibook xe3, Omnibook xe3-GD, Omnibook xe3-GE, Omnibook xe3-GF, Omnibook xe3B, Omnibook xe3C, Omnibook xe3L: Omnibook xe410, Omnibook xe4100: Omnibook xe4500, Omnibook xe4500: Omnibook xt1000, Omnibook xt1000, Omnibook xt1000m, Omnibook xt1000s: Omnibook xt6000, Omnibook xt6050: Omnibook xt6200, Omnibook xt6200: Pavilion 6000, Pavilion 6000: Pavilion N3400, Pavilion N3402: Pavilion m6100, Pavilion m6190: Pavilion n3000, Pavilion n3000: Pavilion n3100, Pavilion n3100, Pavilion n3110, Pavilion n3150, Pavilion n3190: Pavilion n3200, Pavilion n3210, Pavilion n3215, Pavilion n3250, Pavilion n3270, Pavilion n3290, Pavilion n3295: Pavilion n3300, Pavilion N3380, Pavilion n3310, Pavilion n3330, Pavilion n3350, Pavilion n3370, Pavilion n3390: Pavilion n3400, Pavilion n3400, Pavilion n3410, Pavilion n3438, Pavilion n3478, Pavilion n3490: Pavilion n5000, Pavilion n5000: Pavilion n5100, Pavilion N5135, Pavilion N5140, Pavilion n5100, Pavilion n5125, Pavilion n5130, Pavilion n5150, Pavilion n5170, Pavilion n5190, Pavilion n5195: Pavilion n5200, Pavilion n5200, Pavilion n5210, Pavilion n5210M, Pavilion n5240, Pavilion n5241, Pavilion n5250, Pavilion n5261, Pavilion n5270, Pavilion n5271, Pavilion n5290, Pavilion n5295: Pavilion n5300, Pavilion n5300, Pavilion n5310, Pavilion n5311, Pavilion n5331, Pavilion n5340, Pavilion n5341, Pavilion n5350, Pavilion n5351, Pavilion n5361, Pavilion n5371, Pavilion n5381, Pavilion n5390: Pavilion n5400, Pavilion n5400, Pavilion n5401, Pavilion n5402, Pavilion n5402L, Pavilion n5412, Pavilion n5415, Pavilion n5420, Pavilion n5420L, Pavilion n5421L, Pavilion n5422, Pavilion n5422L, Pavilion n5425, Pavilion n5430, Pavilion n5431L, Pavilion n5435, Pavilion n5440, Pavilion n5441, Pavilion n5442, Pavilion n5444, Pavilion n5445, Pavilion n5450, Pavilion n5451, Pavilion n5452, Pavilion n5454, Pavilion n5455, Pavilion n5461, Pavilion n5462, Pavilion n5470, Pavilion n5472, Pavilion n5474, Pavilion n5475, Pavilion n5481, Pavilion n5482, Pavilion n5484, Pavilion n5490, Pavilion n5491, Pavilion n5495: Pavilion n5500, Pavilion n5500, Pavilion n5511L, Pavilion n5584: Pavilion n6000, Pavilion n6000: Pavilion n6100, Pavilion n6100, Pavilion n6195: Pavilion n6300, Pavilion n6300, Pavilion n6395, Pavilion n6396, Pavilion n6397, Pavilion n6398, Pavilion n6399: Pavilion n6400, Pavilion n6400, Pavilion n6401, Pavilion n6402, Pavilion n6403, Pavilion n6404, Pavilion n6490: Pavilion xf100, Pavilion xf125, Pavilion xf145: Pavilion xh100, Pavilion xh136, Pavilion xh156, Pavilion xh176: Pavilion xh200, Pavilion xh215, Pavilion xh216, Pavilion xh226, Pavilion xh260: Pavilion xh300, Pavilion xh350, Pavilion xh355, Pavilion xh365, Pavilion xh395: Pavilion xh400, Pavilion xh455, Pavilion xh485: Pavilion xh5, Pavilion xh5: Pavilion xh500, Pavilion xh525, Pavilion xh535, Pavilion xh545, Pavilion xh555, Pavilion xh575: Pavilion xh600, Pavilion xh625, Pavilion xh635, Pavilion xh6355, Pavilion xh675: Pavilion xt100, Pavilion xt118, Pavilion xt155: Pavilion xt200, Pavilion xt236, Pavilion xt276: Pavilion xt4000, Pavilion xt4316, Pavilion xt4345QV: Pavilion xt500, Pavilion xt537QV, Pavilion xt545, Pavilion xt555, Pavilion xt565, Pavilion xt575, Pavilion xt585, Pavilion xt595: Pavilion xt5000, Pavilion xt5335, Pavilion xt5366, Pavilion xt5377, Pavilion xt5477WM: Pavilion xu100, Pavilion xu155: Pavilion xz100, Pavilion xz185: Pavilion xz1100, Pavilion xz1110: Pavilion xz200, Pavilion xz275, Pavilion xz295: Pavilion xz300, Pavilion xz355: Pavilion xz4200, Pavilion xz4200, Pavilion xz4201, Pavilion xz4202, Pavilion xz4204, Pavilion xz4207, Pavilion xz4208, Pavilion xz4209, Pavilion xz4210, Pavilion xz4211, Pavilion xz4212, Pavilion xz4214, Pavilion xz4218, Pavilion xz4219, Pavilion xz4220, Pavilion xz4221, Pavilion xz4222, Pavilion xz4224, Pavilion xz4228, Pavilion xz4229, Pavilion xz4230, Pavilion xz4231, Pavilion 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Pavilion xz5635, Pavilion xz5637: Pavilion xz5700, Pavilion xz5700, Pavilion xz5701, Pavilion xz5702, Pavilion xz5715, Pavilion xz5730, Pavilion xz5731, Pavilion xz5732, Pavilion xz5738, Pavilion xz5739, Pavilion xz5740, Pavilion xz5749: Pavilion ze1000, Pavilion ze1000: Pavilion ze1100, Pavilion ze1110: Pavilion ze4100, Pavilion ze4210, Pavilion ze4219, Pavilion ze4224, Pavilion ze4229, Pavilion ze4230, Pavilion ze4236, Pavilion ze4239, Pavilion ze4240: Pavilion ze4200, Pavilion ze4300, Pavilion ze4307, Pavilion ze4315CA, Pavilion ze4315US, Pavilion ze4325CA, Pavilion ze4325US, Pavilion ze4335US: Pavilion ze4300, Pavilion ze4100: Pavilion ze4400, Pavilion ze4420CA, Pavilion ze4455EA: Pavilion ze5200, Pavilion ze5279: Pavilion ze5300, Pavilion ze5395US: Pavilion ze5400, Pavilion ze5490US: Pavilion zt1000, Pavilion zt1000: Pavilion zt1100, Pavilion zt1114, Pavilion zt1120, Pavilion zt1121s, Pavilion zt1122, Pavilion zt1125, Pavilion zt1130, Pavilion zt1131s, Pavilion zt1132, Pavilion zt1135, Pavilion zt1141, Pavilion zt1142, Pavilion zt1145, Pavilion zt1150, Pavilion zt1151, Pavilion zt1152, Pavilion zt1155, Pavilion zt1161, Pavilion zt1162, Pavilion zt1170, Pavilion zt1171, Pavilion zt1175, Pavilion zt1180, Pavilion zt1181, Pavilion zt1185, Pavilion zt1190, Pavilion zt1195: Pavilion zt1200, Pavilion ZT1210, Pavilion zt1201, Pavilion zt1211, Pavilion zt1230, Pavilion zt1231, Pavilion zt1231s, Pavilion zt1235, Pavilion zt1250, Pavilion zt1260, Pavilion zt1290: Pavilion zu1000, Pavilion zu1000: Pavilion zu1100, Pavilion zu1155, Pavilion zu1175

HP COMPAQ: Business Notebook n1000, Business Notebook n1050v: Business Notebook nx9000, Business Notebook NX9008, Business Notebook nx9000, Business Notebook nx9005, Business Notebook nx9010

HYPERDATA: CQ12, CQ12: PL, PL11: 1100, 1100: 1200, 1200

IDP: C, C Series

ITRONIX: GoBook, GoBook II

JETTA: Jetbook, Jetbook 7000, Jetbook 7080, Jetbook 7700T

KAPOK: 6000, 6000 Series: 7000, 7000 Series: 7200, 7200

KDS: Valiant 5000, Valiant 5000, Valiant 5340AS, Valiant 5347AS, Valiant 5350AS: Valiant 600, Valiant 671, Valiant 681: Valiant 6000, Valiant 6000, Valiant 6370, Valiant 6380, Valiant 6480, Valiant 6481, Valiant 6530




LENOVO: 3000 G, 3000 G230, 3000 G400, 3000 G410, 3000 G510: 3000 Y, 3000 Y300, 3000 Y300 7759, 3000 Y310a, 3000 Y310a 7756, 3000 Y400, 3000 Y400 9454, 3000 Y410a, 3000 Y410a 7757, 3000 Y500, 3000 Y500 7761, 3000 Y510a: IdeaPad G, IdeaPad G430, IdeaPad G450 20022, IdeaPad G460 20041: IdeaPad S, IdeaPad S10, IdeaPad S10-2, IdeaPad S10e, IdeaPad S9, IdeaPad S9e: IdeaPad U, IdeaPad U110, IdeaPad U330, IdeaPad U350, IdeaPad U350 20028, IdeaPad U350 2963, IdeaPad U350W: IdeaPad Y, IdeaPad Y310, IdeaPad Y410, IdeaPad Y430, IdeaPad Y450, IdeaPad Y510, IdeaPad Y530, IdeaPad Y650, IdeaPad Y730: ThinkPad I, ThinkPad i1400, ThinkPad i1410, ThinkPad i1411, ThinkPad i1412, ThinkPad i1436, ThinkPad i1442, ThinkPad i1450, ThinkPad i1451, ThinkPad i1452, ThinkPad i1460, ThinkPad i1472, ThinkPad i1480, ThinkPad i1482, ThinkPad i1500, ThinkPad i1512, ThinkPad i1522, ThinkPad i1552, ThinkPad i1700, ThinkPad i1720, Thinkpad i2611: Thinkpad T, Thinkpad T22 2647

LG: F5, F5: K1, K1: X, X110

MAGITRONIC: 600, 600, 610, 620

MAX COMPUTER: MaxBook, MaxBook CY13

MEDION: MD9783, MD9783, MD9783A Titanium


MICRO FLEX TECH: FlexNote, FlexNote CY13

MICRO INTERNATIONAL: Mint, Mint 6200, Mint 6200D

MICRON (MPC): Millenia, Millenia N3150: TransPort, TransPort Trek II, TransPort Trek2 233, TransPort Trek2 266, TransPort Trek2 300 DVD

MITAC: 6000, 6033: 8000, 8170

MSI: Wind U, Wind U100, Wind U120, Wind U120H, Wind U90

MTS: 5000, 5000 Series

NEC: Ready, Ready 220T, Ready 330T, Ready 340T, Ready 360T, Ready 440T: Versa 2400, Versa 2400, Versa 2400CD, Versa 2405, Versa 2405CD, Versa 2430CD, Versa 2435CD: Versa 2500, Versa 2500, Versa 2530, Versa 2530CD, Versa 2530CD ES Pro: Versa 550, Versa 550: Versa E, Versa E2000, Versa E6000: Versa M, Versa M320

OLIVETTI: Echos, Echos Series: Echos Pro, Echos Pro Series: Extrema, Extrema Series

ORDI: Nexus, Nexus CQ12

PRIMEBOOK: Primebook P, Primebook P Series

PROSTAR: D, D270X: 86, 86: 900, 982: 2000, 2200C, 2200S, 2200T, 2253, 2273, 2293, 2794: 3000, 3100B, 3100C, 3150, 3550, 3593: 4000, 4200, 4283: 5000, 5100S, 5190: 9000, 9870

QUANTEX: H, H-1300 Series: I, I-1400 Series, I-1500 Series: N, N30W, N38W2, N38W3: T, T-1330, T-1400 Series: TS, TS30H, TS30I, TS30T: W, W-1400 Series, W-1500 Series

ROVERBOOK: Discovery, Discovery FT6: Enote, Enote Student: Explorer, Explorer B570, Explorer E410: Nautilus, Nautilus B500, Nautilus B570, Nautilus D570, Nautilus E510, Nautilus Z500: Navigator, Navigator D570, Navigator D575, Navigator D575W, Navigator E415, Navigator E416, Navigator W200, Navigator W200WH: Next, Next W200: Voyager, Voyager D512, Voyager H570, Voyager KT5


SAGER: NB, NB8600: NP, NP8100, NP8300, NP8320, NP8600, NP8620, NP8623, NP8700: VM, VM8000, VM8100: 98, 98: 3000, 3500: 5000, 5150

SCEPTRE TECH: SoundX, SoundX S8550

SHARP: PC-A, PC-A800: PC-S, PC-S400: PC3000, PC3000, PC3010, PC3020, PC3030, PC3040, PC3050, PC3060, PC3070, PC3080, PC3150: PC8000, PC8000: PC9000, PC9000, PC9010, PC9020, PC9030, PC9040, PC9050, PC9070, PC9080, PC9340

SMARTBOOK: SmartBook, SmartBook D22ES, SmartBook i-2000, Smartbook i-D22ES

TADPOLE: Comet, Comet, Comet15: SIN, SIN 132-8: SparcBook, SparcBook, SparcBook 5000, SparcBook 6500: Sparcle, Sparcle, Sparcle 1000, Sparcle 500, Sparcle 550: Talin, Talin: UltraBook, UltraBook, UltraBook Iii, UltraBookIIe Sparcle 650: Viper, Viper

TOSHIBA: Equium A100, Equium A100, Equium A100-549: Equium L100, Equium L100, Equium L100-186: Equium L40, Equium L40: Equium M70, Equium M70, Equium M70-173, Equium M70-337, Equium M70-339, Equium M70-364: NB100, NB100: NB200, NB200, NB200-10F, NB200-10J: Portege M600, Portege M600, Portege M601, Portege M602, Portege M603: Portege M800, Portege M800: Qosmio F45, Qosmio F45-AV410, Qosmio F45-AV411, Qosmio F45-AV412, Qosmio F45-AV413, Qosmio F45-AV423: Qosmio X500, Qosmio X500-Q840S, Qosmio X505: Satego P200, Satego P200: Satellite 1000, Satellite 1000, Satellite 1000-S157, Satellite 1000-S158, Satellite 1000-Z2, Satellite 1005, Satellite 1005-S157, Satellite 1005-S158: Satellite 1100, Satellite 1100, Satellite 1100-A210, Satellite 1100-S101, Satellite 1105, Satellite 1110-S153, Satellite 1115-S103, Satellite 1115-S104, Satellite 1115-S107, Satellite 1115-S123, Satellite 1130, Satellite 1130-S155, Satellite 1130-S156, Satellite 1135-S125, Satellite 1135-S155, Satellite 1135-S1552, Satellite 1135-S156: Satellite 1200, Satellite 1200, Satellite 1200-S121, Satellite 1200-S122, Satellite 1200-S252: Satellite 1600, Satellite 1600, Satellite 1605CDS, Satellite 1620CDS, Satellite 1625CDT, Satellite 1640CDT, Satellite 1670CDS, Satellite 1675CDS, Satellite 1690CDT, Satellite 1695CDT: Satellite 1700, Satellite 1700, Satellite 1710CDS, Satellite 1715XCDS, Satellite 1730, Satellite 1730CDT, Satellite 1735, Satellite 1735XCDS, Satellite 1750, Satellite 1755, Satellite 1755CDT, Satellite 1755CE, Satellite 1755DVD: Satellite 1900, Satellite 1900, Satellite 1900-S305, Satellite 1900-SP303, Satellite 1905, Satellite 1905-S277, Satellite 1905-S301, Satellite 1905-S302, Satellite 1905-S303, Satellite 1905-S304, Satellite 1950, Satellite 1955, Satellite 1955-S801, Satellite 1955-S802, Satellite 1955-S803, Satellite 1955-S804, Satellite 1955-S805, Satellite 1955-S806, Satellite 1955-S807: Satellite 2430, Satellite 2430, Satellite 2430-S255, Satellite 2430-S256, Satellite 2435, Satellite 2435-S255, Satellite 2435-S256: Satellite 3000, Satellite 3000, Satellite 3000-S304, Satellite 3000-S307, Satellite 3000-S309, Satellite 3000-S353, Satellite 3000-S514, Satellite 3005-S303, Satellite 3005-S304, Satellite 3005-S307, Satellite 3005-S308, Satellite 3005-S403, Satellite 3005-S504: Satellite A100, Satellite A100, Satellite A100-151, Satellite A100-163, Satellite A100-188, Satellite A100-209, Satellite A100-259, Satellite A100-295, Satellite A100-500, Satellite A100-507, Satellite A100-508, Satellite A100-521, Satellite A100-522, Satellite A100-523, Satellite A100-525, Satellite A100-533, Satellite A100-570, Satellite A100-649, Satellite A100-S2211TD, Satellite A100-S3211TD, Satellite A100-S8111TD, Satellite A100-ST3211: Satellite A105, Satellite A105, Satellite A105-S101, Satellite A105-S101X, Satellite A105-S171, Satellite A105-S171x, Satellite A105-S2236, Satellite A105-S271, Satellite A105-S2712, Satellite A105-S2713, Satellite A105-S2716, Satellite A105-S2717, Satellite A105-S271X, Satellite A105-S361, Satellite A105-S3611, Satellite A105-S361X: Satellite A110, Satellite A110, Satellite A110-101, Satellite A110-177, Satellite A110-178, Satellite A110-203, Satellite A110-260, Satellite A110-289, Satellite A110-339, Satellite A110-370: Satellite A130, Satellite A130, Satellite A130-ST1312: Satellite A135, Satellite A135, Satellite A135-S2326, Satellite A135-S2336, Satellite A135-S2346, Satellite A135-S2356, Satellite A135-S2376, Satellite A135-S2386, Satellite A135-S2426, Satellite A135-S4499, Satellite A135-S4517, Satellite A135-S4527, Satellite A135-S4656, Satellite A135-S4666, Satellite A135-S4677, Satellite A135-S4727, Satellite A135-S4827: Satellite A200, Satellite A200, Satellite A200-10W, Satellite A200-10X, Satellite A200-10Z, Satellite A200-11C, Satellite A200-12F, Satellite A200-13L, Satellite A200-13O, Satellite A200-13R, Satellite A200-13T, Satellite A200-13U, Satellite A200-14D, Satellite A200-14E, Satellite A200-180, Satellite A200-18T, Satellite A200-19I, Satellite A200-19K, Satellite A200-19M, Satellite A200-1A9, Satellite A200-1AA, Satellite A200-1AB, Satellite A200-1AE, Satellite A200-1Ai, Satellite A200-1BP, Satellite A200-1BW, Satellite A200-1CC, Satellite A200-1CR, Satellite A200-1DA, Satellite A200-1DN, Satellite A200-1DQ, Satellite A200-1FJ, Satellite A200-1G6, Satellite A200-1GD, Satellite A200-1HU, Satellite A200-1M7, Satellite A200-ST2041, Satellite A200-ST2043: Satellite A205, Satellite A205, Satellite A205-S4537, Satellite A205-S4557, Satellite A205-S4567, Satellite A205-S4577, Satellite A205-S4578, Satellite A205-S4587, Satellite A205-S4597, Satellite A205-S4607, Satellite A205-S4617, Satellite A205-S4618, Satellite A205-S4629, Satellite A205-S4638, Satellite A205-S4639, Satellite A205-S4707, Satellite A205-S4777, Satellite A205-S4787, Satellite A205-S4797: Satellite A215, Satellite A215, Satellite A215-S4697, Satellite A215-S4717, Satellite A215-S4737, Satellite A215-S4747, Satellite 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L555: Satellite L555D, Satellite L555D: Satellite L630, Satellite L630, Satellite L630-BT2G01, Satellite L630-BT2N01, Satellite L630-BT2N22, Satellite L635: Satellite L640, Satellite L640, Satellite L645, Satellite L645D: Satellite L650, Satellite L650, Satellite L655, Satellite L655D: Satellite L670, Satellite L670, Satellite L670D, Satellite L675, Satellite L675D: Satellite M200, Satellite M200, Satellite M200-ST200, Satellite M200-ST2002: Satellite M205, Satellite M205, Satellite M205-S3207, Satellite M205-S3217: Satellite M300, Satellite M300: Satellite M305, Satellite M305: Satellite M305D, Satellite M305D: Satellite M30X, Satellite M30X, Satellite M30X-S114, Satellite M30X-S171ST, Satellite M30X-S214, Satellite M30X-S234, Satellite M30X-SP111: Satellite M35X, Satellite M35X, Satellite M35X-S149, Satellite M35X-S1491, Satellite M35X-S161, Satellite M35X-S1611, Satellite M35X-S171, Satellite M35X-S309, Satellite M35X-S3091, Satellite M35X-S311, Satellite M35X-S3111, Satellite 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Pro L40, Satellite Pro L40-135: Satellite Pro L450, Satellite Pro L450: Satellite Pro L500, Satellite Pro L500, Satellite Pro L550: Satellite Pro M200, Satellite Pro M200: Satellite Pro M300, Satellite Pro M300: Satellite Pro M50, Satellite Pro M50: Satellite Pro M70, Satellite Pro M70: Satellite Pro U400, Satellite Pro U400: Satellite U300, Satellite U300, Satellite U300-10M, Satellite U300-111, Satellite U300-114, Satellite U300-115, Satellite U300-ST3091, Satellite U300-ST3094, Satellite U300-ST5107, Satellite U300-ST5127: Satellite U305, Satellite U305, Satellite U305-S5077, Satellite U305-S5087, Satellite U305-S5097, Satellite U305-S57402, Satellite U305-S7432, Satellite U305-S7446, Satellite U305-S7448, Satellite U305-S7449, Satellite U305-S7467, Satellite U305-S747: Satellite U400, Satellite U400: Satellite U405, Satellite U405: Satellite U405D, Satellite U405D: Satellite U500, Satellite U500, Satellite U500-ST5302: Satellite U505, Satellite U505: Tecra A7, Tecra A7: Tecra L2, Tecra L2, Tecra L2-S011, Tecra L2-S022

TWINHEAD: P, P88, P88TE: SlimNote, SlimNote 5, SlimNote 5100 Series, SlimNote 550S, SlimNote 575, SlimNote 600D, SlimNote 6100 Series, SlimNote 8100 series, SlimNote 875 Series, SlimNote 890 Series, SlimNote 9 series, SlimNote 9100, SlimNote 910CV, SlimNote 9133 series, SlimNote 9150TZ, SlimNote 9166T: SlimNote VX, SlimNote VX: SlimNote VXE, SlimNote VXE, SlimNote VXE3

VIEWSONIC: AirSync, AirSync V210: Airpanel, Airpanel V110, Airpanel V110P, Airpanel V150, Airpanel V150P, Airpanel V210: V1250 Tablet PC, Tablet PC V1250, Tablet PC V1250P, Tablet PC V1250S

VPR MATRIX: 175B4, 175B4: 185A5, 185A5: 200A5, 200A5: Matrix, Matrix 220A5

WINBOOK: Winbook C, Winbook C120, Winbook C140, Winbook C170: Winbook N, WinBook N3, WinBook N4: Winbook W, Winbook W140, Winbook W160

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