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DIGITUS | Hledáte návod k použití pro výrobky značky DIGITUS? Nevíte si rady s produkty DIGITUS a chcete poradit? |
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Český návod k použití PC kabel DIGITUS USB 2.0 kabel A/samec na B-samec,2xstíněný, 3m (AK 672/2-3) |
EAN: 4016032117803
USB 2.0 connection cable, USB A - USB B, 3.00m, CU, AWG24/28, 2x shielded, M/M, UL, beige
* Connector 1: USB A, plug
* Connector 2: USB B, plug
* Hoods: molded
* Cable...
Manuál PC kabel DIGITUS USB 3.0 A/M -> A-F 1,8m, /grey (DK-112311) černý/šedý |
EAN: 4016032272465
USB 3.0 connection cable, USB A - USB A
1.80m, CU, AWG 28, 2x shielded, M/M, UL, black/grey
USB A plug USB A plug
? Molded housing
? Cable double shielded, AWG28
? USB 3.0 compliant...
Servisní manuál PC kabel DIGITUS USB 3.0 A/M -> B-F 1,8m, /grey (DK-112301) černý/šedý |
EAN: 4016032272380
USB 3.0 connection cable, USB A - USB B
1.80m, CU, AWG 28, 2x shielded, M/M, UL, black/gray
USB A plug USB B plug
? Molded housing
? Cable double shielded, AWG28
? USB 3.0 compliant...
PDF návod ke stažení PC kabel DIGITUS USB 3.0 A/M na Micro B-M, 1m, /grey (DK-112340) černý/šedý |
EAN: 4016032272700
USB 3.0 connection cable, USB A - Micro USB B
1.00m, CU, AWG 28, 2x shielded, M/M, UL, black/gray
? Connector 1: USB A, plug
? Connector 2: Micro USB B, plug
? USB compliance: USB 3...
Český návod PC kabel DIGITUS USB 3.0 A/M na Micro B-M, 2m, /grey (DK-112341) černý/šedý |
EAN: 4016032272717
USB 3.0 connection cable, USB A - Micro USB B
2.00m, CU, AWG 28, 2x shielded, M/M, UL, black/gray
? Connector 1: USB A, plug
? Connector 2: Micro USB B, plug
? USB compliance: USB 3...
Manuál PC kabel DIGITUS USB 3.0 A/M na Micro B-M, 3m, /grey (DK-112342) černý/šedý |
EAN: 4016032272922
USB 3.0 connection cable, USB A - Micro USB B
3.00m, CU, AWG 28, 2x shielded, M/M, UL, black/gray
? Connector 1: USB A, plug
? Connector 2: Micro USB B, plug
? USB compliance: USB 3...
Datasheet PC kabel DIGITUS USB 3.0 A/M na Micro B-M, 5m, /grey (DK-112343) černý/šedý |
EAN: 4016032272939
USB 3.0 connection cable, USB A - Micro USB B
5.00m, CU, AWG 28, 2x shielded, M/M, UL, black/gray
? Connector 1: USB A, plug
? Connector 2: Micro USB B, plug
? USB compliance: USB 3...
Návod k použití PC kabel DIGITUS USB 3.0 B/M -> B-M 1,8m, /grey (DK-112321) černý/šedý |
EAN: 4016032272663
USB 3.0 connection cable, USB B - USB B
1.80m, CU, AWG 28, 2x shielded, M/M, UL, black/gray
USB B plug USB B plug
? Molded housing
? Cable double shielded, AWG28
? USB 3.0 compliant...
Servisní manuál PC kabel DIGITUS USB 3.0 extension cable A/M -> A-F 1,8m, /grey (DK-112330) černý/šedý |
EAN: 4016032272670
USB 3.0 extension cable, USB A - USB A
1.80m, CU, AWG 28, 2x shielded, M/F, UL, black/gray
USB A plug USB A jack
? Molded housing
? Cable double shielded, AWG28
? USB 3.0 compliant
Servisní manuál PC kabel DIGITUS USB A-A, 1,8m, /grey, blister (DB-230298) černý/šedý |
EAN: 4016032230298
USB 2.0 extension cable, USB A
3.00m, CU, AWG24/28, 2x shielded, M/F, UL, black/grey
USB A plug USB A jack
? molded housing
? 4-wire cable, double shielded, 2x AWG24, 2x AWG28
? UL...
Datasheet PC kabel DIGITUS USB A/M -> A-M, /grey, 5m (DK-112011) černý/šedý |
EAN: 4016032230359
USB connection cable, USB A
5.00m, CU, AWG24/28, 2x shielded, M/M, UL, USB 2.0 compatible, BL/GR
USB A plug USB A plug
? molded housing
? 4-wire cable, double shielded, 2x AWG24, 2x...
Návod pro PC kabel DIGITUS USB A/M -> B-M, 2m /grey (DK-112002) černý/šedý |
EAN: 4016032230267
USB connection cable, USB A-USB B
2.00m, CU, AWG24/28, 2x shielded, M/M, UL, USB 2.0 compatible, BL/GR
USB A plug USB B plug
? molded housing
? 4-wire cable, double shielded, 2x AWG...
Datasheet PC kabel DIGITUS USB A/M -> B-M, 5m /grey, blister (DB-230281) černý/šedý |
EAN: 4016032236245
baleno v blistru
USB connection cable, USB A-USB B
5.00m, CU, AWG24/28, 2x shielded, M/M, UL, USB 2.0 compatible, BL/GR
USB A plug USB B plug
? molded housing
? 4-wire cable, double...
PDF návod ke stažení PC kabel DIGITUS USB A/M -> A-M, /grey, 1m (DK-112008) černý/šedý |
EAN: 4016032230328
USB connection cable, USB A
1.00m, CU, AWG24/28, 2x shielded, M/M, UL, USB 2.0 compatible, BL/GR
USB A plug USB A plug
? molded housing
? 4-wire cable, double shielded, 2x AWG24, 2x...
Manuál PC kabel DIGITUS USB A/M -> A-M, /grey, 3m (DK-112010) černý/šedý |
EAN: 4016032230342
USB connection cable, USB A
3.00m, CU, AWG24/28, 2x shielded, M/M, UL, USB 2.0 compatible, BL/GR
USB A plug USB A plug
? molded housing
? 4-wire cable, double shielded, 2x AWG24, 2x...
Uživatelský návod PC kabel DIGITUS USB A/M -> B-M, 1m /grey, blister (DB-230250) černý/šedý |
EAN: 4016032236214
baleno v blistru
USB connection cable, USB A-USB B
1.00m, CU, AWG24/28, 2x shielded, M/M, UL, USB 2.0 compatible, BL/GR
USB A plug USB B plug
? molded housing
? 4-wire cable, doubl...
Český návod k použití PC kabel DIGITUS USB A/samec na A-samec, 2x stíněný, 3m (DK-300118-030-D) černý/šedý |
EAN: 4016032283713
USB connection cable, USB A
3.00m, CU, AWG24/28, 2x shielded, M/M, UL, USB 2.0 compatible, BL/GR , Gold
USB A plug USB A plug
? molded housing
? 4-wire cable, double shielded, 2x AW...
Servisní manuál PC kabel DIGITUS USB A/samec na A-samec, 2x stíněný, 5m (AK-300101-050-S) šedý |
EAN: 4016032282617
USB connection cable, USB A
5.00m, CU, AWG24/28, 2x shielded, M/M, UL, USB 2.0 compatible, BL/GR
USB A plug USB A plug
? molded housing
? 4-wire cable, double shielded, 2x AWG24, 2x...
Návod k použití PC kabel DIGITUS USB AC Y cable, 2xUSB A -> mini USB B, 1m (AK-112008) |
EAN: 4016032269175
USB Y-connection cable, 2x USB A -mini USB B
1.00m, CU, AWG28, 2x shielded, M/M, UL, USB 2.0 compliant, black
Cable serves, for example, the connection of external USB devices (e.g. e...
Český návod k použití PC kabel DIGITUS USB AC Y cable, 2xUSB A -> USB B, 1m (AK-112007) |
EAN: 4016032269168
USB Y-connection cable, 2x USB A -USB B
1.00m, CU, AWG28, 2x shielded, M/M, UL, USB 2.0 compliant, black
Cable serves, for example, the connection of external USB devices without an e...
PC kabel DIGITUS USB prodlužovací A-A, 2xstíněný 1,8m, černošedý, blister (DB-300207-018-D) - návod k obsluze |
EAN: 4016032284611
baleno v blistru
USB 2.0 extension cable, USB A
3.00m, CU, AWG24/28, 2x shielded, M/F, UL, black/grey
USB A plug USB A jack
? molded housing
? 4-wire cable, double shielded, 2x AW...
Manuál PC kabel DIGITUS USB USB A M -> B-mini 5pin M, 2m,/grey (DK-112025) černý/šedý |
EAN: 4016032230496
USB connection cable, USB A-Mini - USB B 5pin
2.00m, CU, AWG26/28, 2x shielded, M/M, UL, USB 2.0 compatible, BL/GR
USB A plug USB B-Mini (5pin) plug
? molded housing
? 4-wire cabl...
Servisní manuál PC kabel DIGITUS USB USB A M -> USB micro A M, 2m (AK 67321) |
EAN: 4016032211518
USB connection cable, USB A - Micro USB A
2.00m, CU, AWG28, 2x shielded, M/M, UL, black
USB A plug USB A micro plug
? molded housing
? 4-wire cable, double shielded, AWG28
? UL27...